SPEED TRANSPORT COMPANY LIMITED as agent for the issuance of the BESC (Bordereau Électronique de Suivi des Cargaisons) for all maritime shipments from Vietnam with destination BENIN.
It is the shipper’s responsibility to supply the Carrier with the CTN, which needs to be inserted in the body of the Original Bill of Lading and manifests. Some shipping lines will continue to accept and load cargo not yet covered by CTN, but CTN must be provided by time of final bill of lading instructions.
Late submissions will be in the form of a manifest amendment and subject to usual fees.
Cargo that arrives in Cotonou without a CTN in place will be kept onboard and returned to origin with usual additional freight and costs for account of the shipper.
Document requirement
- Bill of Lading – A draft copy can be used for the draft.
- Commercial Invoice
- Freight Invoice – It is necessary if the freight cost isn’t on the commercial invoice.
- Export Customs Declaration – Details have to be the same across all documents if it is not cross-trade
- Packing List – Details have to be the same as the Commercial Invoice
Process flowchart
- SPEED will check all provided documents and advise is any required amendment / additional supply.
- SPEED issue invoice for customer check and proceed payment.
- On receiving payment, SPEED will release t BESC No. for customer show on B/L.
- After customer provide Copy B/L showing BESC No. , SPEED will issue draft BESC for customer checking.
- After customer confirm draft BESC, SPEED and provide final B/L, SPEED will validate the BESC
- Customer send file BESC pdf to consignee for clearance at destination.
If any questions, please feel free to contact us.